Love isn't all butterflies and magic. It's compromise, it's arguments, full of ugly words and whispers. Love isn't this huge beam of light that shines down on a couple for eternity. It is complicated and messy and it takes a huge amount of work.

Love isn't going to erase your insecurities. Love isn't going to take away your depression or anxiety. Love isn't going to erase your sadness or your problems with work and money and other relationships. We would like to believe it has the power to do this. We would love to believe it. But, it's not the real and honest truth.

Love is something. But love is not everything.

If you start to see darkness overshadowing the light in your relationship, try to panic.
Don't run right away. Don't throw in the cards and give up. Ride the wave. Argue, scream and fight through it. Swim in it, no matter how strong the current gets. Only then is it going to be worth saving. Because, you have to go through the bad stuff and the hard stuff, to get to the good parts.

Love isn't linear. It's not something that will always grows upwards.
You have got to get to difficult conversations. The ones that make you cry and hurt. The ones that make your partner hurt. You've got to see them for who they are, flaws and all. And they have got to know the dark parts of you. The ones you never wanted them to see. You got have those heartbreaking arguments and go through hell and back.

Only then, will you be able to see if it is the kind of love that is true.
You've to fight for it like hell.

Love isn't magic, it's pretty close to it.


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